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Young people and parents join us in London for a special design workshop

A young person in VR goggles
Sarah wears VR goggles to look around Cambridge Children's Hospital

Our design team at London-based Hawkins\Brown invited young people and parents to join them at their offices for a special workshop. We had an amazing day using creativity and conversation to think about indoor and outdoor spaces. The participants drew on their lived experience of being in hospital or mental health services to help us better understand what would work well in the new children's hospital.

Enjoy our gallery of photos (opens in a new tab)

While we were in London, our Press Packer Luke, age 15, interviewed Negar Mihanyar about what it's like to design a unique children's hospital for the East of England. Well done Luke for such great questions!


Thank you to all the young people and parents who took part in this day, as well as our brilliant artists Josh Bilton and Beatrice Baumgartner-Cohen. Huge thanks to our design team at Hawkins\Brown and White Arkitekter for a brilliant day!