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The world of research brings with it stories of hope, opportunity, innovation and progress.

The Cambridge Children’s Research Institute will bring researchers and clinicians together in one place to create a collaborative and multi-disciplinary environment. The Institute will work to understand the early origins of physical and mental health conditions, using this knowledge to intervene sooner, shifting from reactive care to prevention and early intervention, to mitigate or prevent onset of serious disease.

A man with dark hair and glasses standing in a clinical setting Genomics

Whole genome sequencing improves children's cancer care

Cambridge researchers say a genetic test offered by the NHS improved clinical care of some children with cancer, and should be provided to all.

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A boy smiling wearing a multi-coloured hat DNA research

Children help scientists grow 'mini-guts' to help treat Crohn's

Children have been helping Cambridge scientists grow 'mini-guts' in the lab to understand more about Crohn's disease, allowing for more personalised treatments to individual patients in the future.

Read Arthur's story (opens in a new tab)
A lady with brown hair and yellow shirt holds a baby with pale red her on her lap, with the dad alongside. he has dark hair and a beard Genomics

Baby born deaf can hear after breakthrough gene therapy

Cambridge Children's Research Institute will have a Centre of Genomic Medicine The development of genomic medicine offering hope to children and families.

Read Opal's story (opens in a new tab)
A young woman with shoulder length fair hair and a big smile Neuroscience

Young researcher wins award for pioneering research.

Charlotte, who is a member of Cambridge Children’s Young Adult Forum, suffered PTSD following serious health challenges. This has inspired her research project into new treatments for people whose lives are affected by a traumatic experience.

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A montage of images of Tristan's rare disease journey, from when he was a baby to being a teenager Rare Disease

How research brings hope to rare disease families

Tristan and his mum, Celia, talk about their rare disease journey and why they believe bringing a research institute into Cambridge Children's Hospital will be a game changer for families.

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A photo of a woman with long brown hair and glasses, wearing a blue jacket and shirt, smiling. Another photo of a woman with long grey hair and glasses, wearing a beige polo neck and smart black jacket Epilepsy trial

An integrated approach to care reduces mental health challenges

A trial has revealed that treating the mental health of children with epilepsy alongside their physical health leads to better outcomes.

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A boy smiling playing with a toy Whole Genome Sequencing

Genetic research was “the best gift” for our son

When Owen’s entire genome was sequenced, clinicians discovered he had a rare mutation in his Thyroid Hormone Receptor Alpha gene. He now takes a daily tablet to treat his condition.

Read Owen's story (opens in a new tab)
A concept design of the Cambridge children's Hospital building. It's a busy street scene. The building has a colourful facade and large windows Mental Health

Report shows children's mental health getting worse

The report, published by NHS England, reveals one in five children and young people have a probable mental health condition. It also shows a significant rise in those being diagnosed with eating disorders.

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D-CYPHR promo DNA research

Research programme aims to unlock the power of genetic code

Cambridge researchers have launched the world’s first national childhood DNA health research programme, to help transform healthcare for children and young people.

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