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Let's talk Co-production!

The voices of children, young people, parents and carers are at the core of everything we do at the Cambridge Children's Hospital project. Afterall, this is their hospital. We can't get it right without them.


Since Summer last year, we have welcomed eleven Co-production Champions into our project workstreams. These parents and carers all have lived experience of caring for children or young people who have been in hospital or mental health services, or both. They are challenging us in our thinking; bringing their ideas and insights to the table; and supporting our decision making. They are valued members of our project team and we are hugely lucky and grateful to have them on board. Co-production is about service providers and service users working together - as equal partners - towards a collective outcome. In this case, a brand-new children's hospital for the East of England.

In addition to co-production, we continue to engage with and involve children, young people, parents and carers in all aspects of the project. Here's a snapshot of what we've done so far:

  • We have welcomed over 500 people, of all ages, to Cambridge Children's Network
  • We have run almost 20 workshops with children, young people and carers, looking at our hospital design, school, wellbeing, digital technology and art
  • We have hosted five 1-2-1 sessions with families to better understand their collective experiences
  • We have recruited five young people into our 'Press Pack' to help develop multi-media content, telling their stories - and ours
  • We have helped bring young people and families into the development of research studies to improve care pathways
  • We have sent out surveys seeking views on ward design and how to better support patients with learning disabilities
  • We have run an all-day conference and a webinar about 'Food, with Care' at Cambridge Children's Hospital
  • We have enjoyed three face-to-face events - Cambridge Festival; the Festival of Suffolk Raceday; and Cambridgeshire County Day

Over the coming year, our aim is bring more young people directly into the Cambridge Children's Hospital project, so watch this space!

If you would like to get involved, please join Cambridge Children's Network (opens in a new tab). We'd be delighted to welcome you.

Three women laughing. They are co-production champions for the Cambridge Children's project
Uzoma, Amanda and Jo are Co-production Champions