A hospital built with you, for you. The only way we can get Cambridge Children’s Hospital right is to listen to the people who know best.

Cambridge Children’s Network is made up of children, young people, parents and carers, from all over the East of England, and beyond. Many have lived experience of being in hospital or mental health services, as a patient, a carer, a sibling or even a friend. Mostly importantly, they are all keen to have their say in how the new hospital will look, feel and care.

Our engagement opportunities are fun, friendly, creative and thoughtful. When you join Cambridge Children’s Network, it’s up to you whether you do a little, or a lot! We are grateful to the Pears #iWill Fund for their generous support, allowing us to pay for artist facilitators and offer you reimbursement for your time.
Together we will build a unique hospital to serve generations of children and young people. You can help us make NHS history.
Here are the forms to sign up